HAL Systems LLC offers specialized software packages
for businesses who are marketing on the Internet.
CHRIS(Comprehensive Home Rentals Internet System) is a powerful real estate software system designed specifically for the special needs and demands of realtors who handle vacation rentals.
Rentals accounting the safe & secure way! The CHRIS online rentals system now interfaces seamlessly with the Magnolia Software rentals accounting system that runs on one or more PCs in your office(s). Magnolia Software has a long-standing reputation for being the best in vacation rentals accounting software. Now your real estate business can have the best solution for your rentals business:
Unlike other rental systems with online accounting, you are always up & running with CHRIS & Magnolia. When your realty's Internet connection goes down, you have access to all your critical rentals data and financials because they are in-house and NOT on a web server.
User friendly, real-time online search system for your customers on your web site
FAST & easy, real-time, online reporting of bookings for the realtors who share your listings
Online management of your rentals from anywhere
Easy one-click interface to synchronize all your online data with your in-house Magnolia bookeeping system for convenience and security!
No special software required to access and use CHRIS. The entire system runs on any Internet-ready PC running either Internet Explorer or Firefox web browser. Now you can run CHRIS from the office, at home, or on the road- anytime, anywhere.
- The system is cost-effective. One flat monthly rate allows agents unlimited access to add, update, search and run reports on vacation rental listings as often as you wish.
- The system is powerful. CHRIS is run on Microsoft's most powerful database - SQL Server, running on HAL Systems LLC' own Internet servers. This dynamic and powerful database allows agents and customers to be able to perform listing searches based on price, location, availability, features, and amenities. CHRIS will find just what the customer wants- fast and easy. Reports based on various criteria are built right into the system.
- CHRIS runs in real time. Any changes in any listings are updated instantly! If a listing has just been taken, your agents know immediately. Whether it's a new listing from another realtor, a change in the listing information, or a week has just been taken, agents AND customers see the changes immediately. (Customers will only see your listings when they are at your web site - the system's "front-end").
- CHRIS helps you book listings. The agents AND customers can view any or all or your realty's vacation rental listings. Customers see ONLY your realty's listings - no shared listings appear on your web site's searches as with other rentals systems. Now the agent can discuss the rental with the customer while he/she is on the phone, and they can see what you are recommending.
- CHRIS includes multi-realtor network reporting. Owners often list their rental properties with several realtors. This has traditionally caused many problems with the realtors having to continually contact the other realtors to inform them of when listings has been taken, and to check to see the current status of shared listings. The CHRIS system allows all realtors sharing a listing the ability to instantly view the current real-time booking status of that listing! Please note: subscribing to the CHRIS system does not give a realty who is "new to rentals" instant access to information about, or the authorization to write leases for any existing vacation rentals. Every realty on the CHRIS system must first obtain rental authorizations from property owners on their own before they have access to any of the exisitng rentals on the CHRIS system, or any new rentals that they input into the system.
- CHRIS is secure. Logons and passwords are supplied to each agent and office. No agent can change any listing that belongs to another. There are also administrative logons for the office manager to allow them to add/delete agents from the system and control other functions.
- CHRIS is fast and reliable. The system runs on our high speed Internet data servers which are connected to multiple peer networks for speed and reliablility. This means that your both agents and your prospective tenants will be able to utilize the CHRIS system 24/7.
- CHRIS eliminates the wait for listings to be posted. With a digital camera, it's fast and easy to take the picture of the property and upload it to the system. You control how to present the listing to your customers. Digital photos are easy and fun to touch up to make your listing look great!
- CHRIS is versatile and expandable. CHRIS is designed to meet the needs of realtors today and for years to come. Scores of features are included to streamline your rentals operations and the entire system is uniquely designed to simplify every aspect of data entry. Rental leases and authorizations are customized and programmed into CHRIS to nearly duplicate your existing documents exactly. Generating your leases and authorizations are "snap" with CHRIS! Whether you need custom reports for your application or would like special features to help boost your vacation rental business, CHRIS works for you!
CHRIS is affordable. Our low monthly fee (as low as $245/month for a single office with up to 500 listings!) We are confident that you will be more than happy with the increase in your vacation rentals business from the CHRIS system.
Realtors can test drive CHRIS by logging onto the demo system - an exact duplicate of the real system (except the data is fictitious). You are free to use the system to see how to manage the rental listings. See how easy it is to book weeks, cancel weeks, generate leases, run reports, etc. Instructions on how to use the system are available by clicking on the Help Icon at the top right of the Access Menu Screen.
To access the CHRIS demo system, contact HAL Systems LLC and we would be happy to give you immediate access so that you can "test drive" CHRIS.
For more information on our CHRIS system contact HAL Systems LLC at 609-698-4810 or e-mail sales@halsys.com.